About Us


BayazzAssociates is a privately operated entity that specializes in making real estate investments. In addition to land development projects in different countries this entity also invests in operating businesses. One area is trade in specialized production machinery. Real Estate remains the cornerstone of our portfolio.


Beyazzade Ahmet Aga, the grandfather began in the late 1890ies a career as a tobacco merchant in Gaziantep, Aleppo Eyaleti of the Ottoman Empire. He invested heavily in real estate. He built together with his business partner a beautiful building which is known today as BayazHan. It is an architectural symbol of its time (1904-1907)

Since then Beyazzade Ahmet Aga s successors have continued on the same path investing in real estate in Turkey, Finland, Latvia and overseas real estate markets. Projects were started and finished successfully.


The associates and partners have agreed to operate the business under a governance structure which has authority over all activities and which allows to operate in perpetuity.


Our first goal is to diversify our real estate portfolio to include regions which have historical ties with the Ottoman Empire; Balkans and neighbouring countries to the South of Turkey. Other goals include Eastern Africa and some countries in Latin America. Our partner associates and partner Alper Insaat S.A. have already started construction projects in Venezuela.